Saturday, 23 July 2011

To Sundsvall

After innerstön we headed to a small marina in a village called Stocka.  Not a great deal to see there, but a nice enough place with a very good restaurant.  If you ever pass by their fish and chips is a must.

With the weather still in our favour we moved on to another nature harbour on an island called Lil-Lubban.  The entrance to this nature harbour is little tricky, with rocks all over the place.  Fortunately someone was kind enough to put up some marker arrows which made things a lot easier.  Onece inside, the jetty was pretty crowded, so we anchored in a small bay close by and went without a barbecue for once.

The next stop was a bit of landmark for the trip, Nina’s home town of Sundsvall.  We’d been planning this from the start so it was quite exciting actually arriving from the sea.  It’s one of the larger towns in Northern Sweden (although there is still plenty of North left after it) and has a population of about 100 000.  Sailing you can see its industrial nature, its biggest industry is timber and producing pulp and paper.

We stayed at Nina’s parents place, giving a us a nice couple of days away from the water, the wind was northerly, and it rained for most of the time we were there, pretty good timing for it though.

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