Friday, 3 June 2011

Goodbye Poland, goodbye 3M

So now it starts, I've left work and Poland, and returned to Sweden to get ready for my trip.

I'd only been in Poland a year, but enjoyed my time there a lot.  The Pole's are a very friendly people, and there is a lot to see there.

Leaving work felt a little strange.  I'd been with the company for over 9 years, and it was a certainly an interesting place.  I had the opportunity to hold different positions within 3M, and to work with many people around the world.  When I first started there in 2002, the position was supposed to be just a three week contract.  That got extended, then extended again, until a bout 18 months later I was made permanent.  I went to become a Six Sigma Black Belt (a business process improvement technique), and the Corporate Marketing & Public Affairs manager in Sweden.  My final role as eBusiness Leader CEE took me to Poland, and gave me the opportunity to travel to a lot of places in Europe: Romania, Czech Republic, Russia and even  Israel and Turkey.

My departure was a bit abrupt in the end.  The announcement to my closest colleagues that I was leaving was made a few hours before I actually left the company, and not a 'thank you' in sight.  I've seen some late announcements at 3M in the past, but nothing like this before, especially as I had given notice months beforehand and was leaving on good terms.  Oh well, I'm sure there were reasons, whatever they may have been.
That's all behind me now though, and it's time to get the boat ready.  I have a long list of things to do, but somehow with all this time it seems much less daunting than usual.  I've already made a start, and aim to launch Marie on the 17th June . then the fun really begins :)

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